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A set of tab panels that are displayed one at a time.


Pass an array to the items prop of the Tabs component. Each item can have the following properties:

  • label - The label of the item.
  • slot - A key to customize the item with a slot.
  • content - The content to display in the panel by default.
  • disabled - Determines whether the item is disabled or not.
This is the content shown for Tab1
<script setup lang="ts">
const items = [{
  label: 'Tab1',
  content: 'This is the content shown for Tab1'
}, {
  label: 'Tab2',
  disabled: true,
  content: 'And, this is the content for Tab2'
}, {
  label: 'Tab3',
  content: 'Finally, this is the content for Tab3'

  <STabs :items="items"/>

Released under the MIT License.